Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Double Dumped Syndrome

SO once again somebody puts their business all over Facebook and expects us not to analyze their life...well as a psych major i can't help it...sorry, but I have noticed a common problem that a lot of girls and a few guys get themselves into and i think with time management it can be avoided.

Scenario: A person gets into a new relationship a starts cutting off their friends.
-Now if you have friends that actually care about you they will notice and bring this to your attention...if your friends aren't that great then they may just let you go and could care less.

The problem: If this relationship that you put so much effort in happens to end...who do you have to go to? Hopefully family is one of your answers but chances are you have probably put both your family AND friends on the backburner...which leaves you alone.

I'm not criticizing people who have been in this situation because it is very easy to fall into and i myself have learned that "love" blinds you from your surroundings. Hopefully maturity can cure this blinding that people complain about after leaving a relationship. And I always thought the sayings "Guys come and go, but friends last a lifetime" or "Bros before hos" were for comedic affect, but there lies some truth. This is why marriage & relationship counselors always stress that you make sure the person you call your better half is also one of your best friends FIRST.

Possible solutions: If you are a friend witnessing this happening try to just bring it up a couple of times so that the person can't say: "Why didn't you tell me!?" Also as a friend you must be understanding that your friend is in a new relationship and getting to the know the person is very crucial, which is why you may not see your friend for awhile.
If you have been in this situation and loss friends warn other people that may be headed toward losing their friends. And if you yourself have been ditching your friends or heard a few complaints than just chalk up your pride and apologize. If you have good friends they will be happy to take you back...but be prepared to get made fun of/ hear i told you so :)


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